Unraveling the Decibels of a Jet Engine

 Unraveling the Decibels of a Jet Engine

Before delving into the complexities of a jet engine’s sound profile, it’s crucial to comprehend what sound and decibels entail.

Sound, in its essence, is an energy type, sparked by vibrations. Every time an object vibrates, it triggers a chain reaction, causing the surrounding air particles to move as well. This movement instigates pressure waves that our human ears perceive as sound. These waves invade our ear canal, causing our eardrums to vibrate in a similar pattern to the originating source, which is then processed by our brains as sound.

The intensity of sound, gauged by its amplitude, is measured in decibels, denoted as dB, an homage to the Scottish scientist Alexander Graham Bell. Interestingly, the decibel scale is not linear, but logarithmic, which implies that a 10 dB increase isn’t an additive process, but instead, it represents a tenfold increase in the intensity of the sound.

This aspect can be visualized using the following examples:

  • The threshold of human hearing is 0 dB;
  • A quiet whisper in a serene library registers at around 30 dB;
  • Normal conversation level stands around 60 dB;
  • Inside a car in a bustling city, the noise level is typically around 85 dB.

These figures help understand the intensity of the sound of jet engines, which often register around 140 dB or even higher.

The Intricacies of Jet Engine Noise

Jet engines, a marvel of human engineering, are also one of the loudest products of human activities. To elucidate the gravity of their sound intensity, a comparison with other sources of sound is outlined below:

  • Jet engine (at 100 feet): 140 dB;
  • Firecrackers exploding: 140-150 dB;
  • Rock concert: 120 dB;
  • Chainsaw: 110 dB.

While this comparison might suggest that jet engines are as loud as firecrackers, the difference lies in the duration and consistency of the sound. A firecracker’s sound is momentary, whereas a jet engine, especially during take-off and landing, maintains this high decibel level for a more extended period.

The precise decibel level of a jet engine hinges on various factors. The engine’s design, its size, the power output it’s currently operating at, and the observer’s distance from the noise source all contribute to the sound intensity experienced.

For example, when measured directly at the engine’s exhaust, the sound intensity can surpass 140 dB. However, if measured at a distance of about 100 meters during takeoff, the noise level can still linger around 130 dB, a level considered potentially harmful to human hearing.

A plane in flight originating from the ground

Jet Engine Noise and Human Health

It’s no secret that excessive noise can have detrimental effects on human health. Medical professionals and scientists have confirmed that prolonged or frequent exposure to sounds over 85 dB could induce permanent hearing loss. The potential for damage escalates as the decibel level increases:

  • A continuous sound of 91 dB can cause irreversible damage in around two hours;
  • A consistent noise of 100 dB can lead to permanent hearing loss in just 15 minutes;
  • A sustained sound of 120 dB, the threshold of pain, can almost instantly cause permanent damage.

But the scope of the health impact of loud noise stretches beyond hearing loss. Recent studies have found correlations between chronic exposure to high noise levels and other health conditions. These include increased stress levels, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, and even cognitive impairment in children.

This aspect becomes particularly concerning for individuals and communities residing near airports, given the consistent and unavoidable exposure to the sound of jet engines.

Mitigation Strategies for Jet Engine Noise

Alt: Spiral jet engine seen up close with a man nearby

Given the deleterious impact of jet engine noise on human health and overall quality of life, extensive research and development efforts have been channeled into devising ways to mitigate this noise pollution.

Jet Engine Design

A turbofan engine design essentially consists of a core engine, which is essentially a gas turbine engine, and a fan at the front, which draws in air. Most of this air bypasses the core and is blown out the back, providing additional thrust. The core engine still provides some thrust, but the majority comes from the bypassed air, which gives these engines their name.

  • Low-Bypass Turbofan: Bypass ratio less than 2:1. More noise, better speed;
  • High-Bypass Turbofan: Bypass ratio greater than 5:1. Less noise, better fuel efficiency.

Below are the main components in the order in which air passes through them in a high-bypass-ratio turbofan engine:

FanDraws in and accelerates air. Most air bypasses the core.
CompressorTakes in a portion of the air from the fan and compresses it.
Combustion ChamberFuel is injected and ignited.
TurbineExtracts energy from the hot gases exiting the combustion chamber.
ExhaustHot gases leave the engine, providing additional thrust.

Acoustic Liners

Acoustic liners are specialized structures designed to reduce the noise emitted from jet engines, improving the comfort of air travel and reducing environmental noise pollution. They are incorporated into the intake and exhaust ducts of the engine, where they absorb sound energy to minimize the noise that radiates outwards.

Acoustic liners consist of two main components:

Porous Top SheetAllows the entry of sound waves.
Honeycomb-like CoreActs as an array of Helmholtz resonators to absorb specific frequencies.

Acoustic liners operate on the principle of Helmholtz resonance. Here’s how the process works:

  • Sound Wave Entry: Sound waves enter the liner through the porous top sheet;
  • Helmholtz Resonance: The honeycomb-like core acts as multiple Helmholtz resonators. Each resonator is tuned to absorb a particular frequency of sound, thus reducing that frequency’s contribution to the total noise output;
  • Sound Energy Conversion: The sound energy that enters the resonators is converted into heat energy, further minimizing the sound that radiates from the engine.

Operational Procedures

Operational procedures refer to the strategies and practices followed during an aircraft’s operation, including takeoff, in-flight, and landing phases. Modifications to these procedures can significantly impact the noise exposure in residential areas surrounding airports.

There are three main operational procedure modifications implemented to reduce noise exposure:

Flight Path AlterationsRoutes are adjusted to avoid flying over populated areas, especially during takeoff and landing.
Steeper Ascent and Descent AnglesAircraft ascend and descend at steeper angles to gain or lose altitude more quickly, thereby spending less time at lower altitudes where noise impact is greater.
Restrictions on Night FlightsThere are curfews or restrictions placed on flights during night hours to minimize noise disturbance during this period.

The benefits of these modifications include:

  • Noise Reduction: Changes in operational procedures can reduce the overall noise footprint of the airport;
  • Improved Quality of Life: By reducing noise exposure, the quality of life for people living in the vicinity of airports can be improved;
  • Reduced Nighttime Disturbance: Night flight restrictions minimize sleep disruptions due to aircraft noise.


A jet engine’s decibel levels are immensely high, significantly surpassing the noise intensity of day-to-day sounds and activities. This noise intensity is not just an inconvenience, but a potential health hazard, particularly for communities residing near airports.

Nonetheless, with the advent of engineering advancements and mindful operational practices, measures are being undertaken to mitigate the impact of this potent noise. The endeavor is to make the symphony of the skies inspiring and majestic, rather than overbearing and harmful.

Undeniably, the challenge is immense, but so is the commitment to ensuring the harmony between technological progress and human well-being.


What is the decibel level of a jet engine at takeoff?

During takeoff, a jet engine can generate noise levels of around 140 dB at a distance of 100 feet from the engine.

How does a jet engine’s decibel level compare to regular sounds?

The noise level of a jet engine significantly surpasses that of typical daily sounds. While a normal conversation registers around 60 dB, a jet engine can generate a noise intensity of 140 dB or more.

What are the health implications of prolonged exposure to jet engine noise?

Prolonged exposure to high decibel levels, such as those from jet engines, can lead to several health issues, including hearing loss, increased stress levels, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, and in children, cognitive impairments.

How is the noise from jet engines mitigated?

Several strategies have been deployed to mitigate jet engine noise, including designing quieter engines, implementing acoustic liners within engines, and adopting operational procedures that reduce noise exposure in residential areas.