How Long Are Pilots Away From Home

How Long Are Pilots Away From Home

Pilots are away from home a lot. But how long are they actually gone? We did some research to find out. Here’s what we found. It turns out that it depends on the airline, pilot seniority, and flying schedule. For…
 Aeronautics Essentials: What is it?

Aeronautics Essentials: What is it?

Aeronautics (aeronautics – from the Greek aer – air and nauta (Greek ναυτα – floating, seafaring) – vertical and horizontal movement in the Earth’s atmosphere by lighter-than-air aircraft (as opposed to aviation, which uses heavier-than-air aircraft). Until the early 1920s,…
 Moving by air transport in the United States

Moving by air transport in the United States

As you know, transportation is one of the main criteria of a country’s infrastructure. And if all transport routes and moving ways were in improper condition, export and import operations between countries and continents could not be realized, and therefore,…